Monday, May 11, 2009

Having just gotten back from seeing you all on Friday dressed up and looking fantastic, I am pondering this question: Was it worth the drama???
For the past few weeks all I have been hearing about is hair, dresses, limos/buses, seating arrangements, and after parties and the drama this all causes. I am also sure the prom itself and the after parties had their own share of drama.
Is it worth the money and the drama for this important high school experience?
I ask because I think weddings are the same. As wonderful as my wedding was looking back I should have chosen to take my immediately family and closest friends to Hawaii: Less stress, a lot less money, less drama, same husband in the end.
What are your thoughts?? Now that prom is over, was it worth the drama?


Myra said...

I did my prom in a nice stress free way.instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a dress I would only wear once I borowed one from a friend. As for after prom, instead of splurging on a house full of alcohol me and a couple of my closest friends went to new York and spent the day shopping instead of suffering from a hangover.

Courtney Maratta said...

I think that prom was worth the drama. There wasnt much drama in my group, so it wasnt as bad as it could have been. I think prom is worth it because, yeah its alot of money, but its the one night a girl can dress up and be the most beautiful she has ever been. Its the one night that a girl can look like a princess. At the prom everyone is so happy and so cheerful that there isnt much drama, not as much as everyone lets on. Drama isnt the prom its self, Drama will always follow the person who starts it, regardless of if its prom or not. So yes i feel that prom was well worth it.

theBaraness said...

I didn't go to prom and I am happy that I didn't. I still got to dress up and party, but I saved a lot of money. I do not think it's worth the drama and people seem to base their senior year around prom. I don't see it as such an important thing as a lot of my friends do. I think people should relax and just do what they want to do. I do not think it's worth the money and drama.

Myra Veres said...

in the end after all the stress and planning I think it was more then worth the troubles.I had a great time at prom and esspsciallh after, and dressing up was also fun.

tim lapierre said...

i dont think that the prom is worth all the hype. it cost so much money for something that no one really cares about you just want to get to the afterparty. spending all this time and money is stupid

Katie Wacht said...

There was so much drama that surrounded my group of friends for prom. I feel that once prom came and the day had arrived, everyone put away the drama and the stress went away and we all had a good time. There was no stress with what to do for the limo or after prom anymore because prom was here and it would all work out. Prom itself i felt was a lot better than last year for junior prom and we all just had a good time. The place was better, the food was better, the music was better, and overall we all had a good time.

cassandra a said...

I did not go to prom, because of all the money it costs, and im glad i didnt. I still got dressed up and had a little party with my closest friends, which i think was alot better than going to actual prom, and i saved alot of money. i did my own hair, my own makeup, wore my own jewelery and still had a blast.

Mikayla Belle said...

I don't think it was worth all the drama. I mean, I had a great time and I loved it, but I don't think all of the drama was necessary. Looking back now, there were ways to make everything that seemed so stressful so much simpler. But at the same time it was a lot of fun and it was nice to dress up and look like princess for a night.

Julie Pietrycha said...

Prom was fun and i think i would still go if i had the chance to redo it, i would just change a few things to make it better. Drama is just like high school. So drama is gonna be around even if there is no prom, or atleast that is what it seems like to me. Prom is expensive but you can find ways to get around that if you really want to go.

Andre M said...

I don't think that prom is worth the drama and money. I think there are many other ways to celebrate your high school career coming to an end. Also, I think there are other occasions where a person can dress up nicely, be happy, and have a good time. There are many other activities you can do that cost less and are still a lot of fun.

Nicole Amenta said...

I definatly think prom was worth the drama for me cus i didnt put much drama into it. I would say i spent a lot of money but it was worth it to know i looked nice and to see everyone else all dressed up and looking pretty. I'm not big on drama so i didnt stress prom to much, i had a few friends of mine put me in there table and let them deal with who was sitting there. I think having the limo was definatly worth the money, its so much more relaxing to not have to worry about directions or driving and just having someone to drive you around in a giant limo thats super cool. i had a lot of fun on prom and even if there was a little drama it was soo worth it.

erinzenzie said...

For me, I like to stay out of the drama. I let other people take charge of things such as booking the bus, finding a house to go to afterwards and collecting money. Thankfullly, with the group of friends that I was with before and after prom for the past two years hasn't had alot of drama. As far as the money aspect of prom goes, I am a real bargain shopper. I got a beautiful dress for $140 which I know is alot, but for how nice it was compared to people who spend 300 dollars on an ugly dress, I am glad I bought this dress. All in all, this is an experience that I will never forget.

Norbert said...

For me prom wasn't stressful at all. It's probably because im a guy and guys dont worry about there hair and makeup and what color there tuxe is. Although prom was stress free for me it was definitely a lot of money. I spent a total of $390 for both me and my prom date. But even then I think it was all worth it because it's a once in a life time oportunity.

Kate C said...

I think prom was well worth the drama. I can say that i had the time of my life at my prom. I think it is an important high school experience. It was cool being at aqua turf and seeing everyone i have grown up with here at high school. Im a girly girl and i also loved the fact that i was able to spend hours getting all done up. I also loved my after prom get together because it was with the closest of my friends. I felt it was a good senior experience and somehting i will also remember. It will be good looking back at high school knowing that i did have SOME good times here at nhs. I think the price was a little much but now that its all over i feel as if it was completly worth it.

Alyssa Salone said...

i think prom was defenetly worth it. sure there was alot of drama and i was really aggrivated the few weeks before. But in the end it was worth it.the night of prom is always fun and everyone has a good time and puts the drama behind them.

Alex Stamm said...

I didnt belive that it is worth all of the hype and money for just one night so i didnt go to prom. So many people put somuch atention into one night that is just the experience of those hours i just dont think all of the drama is worth it

Anonymous said...

As stressful as it was i had a really good ti me at prom and i tohuh it was all worth it. This was my first prom and my last and i was very happy about the decisions i made. I loved my dress even though it was the bulk of the money i spent and i had a really good time with everyone i was with at prom and after prom.

Brittany said...

i believe that i did not waste money and i did not have drama because i only cared about me and my boyfriend. You are only a senior once and why not go all out for the best night of your lives. I wish i can do it all over again. Life is not worth all the drama and prom night will be something i will remember for a lifetime especially my dress!!!

Matthew Piendak said...

i didn't go to prom :( i mean ya i missed it and all, but i was only missing my friends for like 4 hours. then i spent the weekend with them at the prom house. it was mad fun there. i think what people say is true, its not the prom that's fun, its the after party, and that's what i did, and i had the best prom weekend. was just as fun as going to prom, just no drama.

Nick Latts said...

Well I am a guy, so things were a lot less stressful for me and I did not have to worry about my hair and make-up and there is a lot less drama in guy world. Also, I did not go to the senior prom but because I am a junior I went to the junior prom and I definitely thought it was worth it. I had so much fun and all of my friends did too. It was worth the drama and the money. I made wonderful memories that will be with me the rest of my life, how can you put a price tag on that?

Nick Latts said...

Also, now that I just read through these post’s, for all u people hatin on prom cause all of the drama it causes in your group of friends; get some new friends. You shouldn’t have to avoid a social event cause of what might happen in your group of friends. And tim if you didn’t like it you shouldn’t have gone.

Syed Ali said...

I think that all that drama is not worth it, I mean I didnt even see too much drama and if thier was alot of drama for some people it might of been worth it. its something you will remember the rest of thier lives.