Last night I watched the premiere episode of Glee. It was hysterically funny. Yet a topic came up that was very interesting to me. The gym teacher/cheer coach said that in high school each student has their role. The jocks, the geeks, the music kids, the outsider kids----and regardless of what group you are in, that is the group you are in and that is where you stay. She suggested that high school is such a segregated society that there is no cross over from group to group.
Do you feel that this is true for Newington High?? Do you think that is just the nature of high school? Do you have examples??
Check out the show at http://www.fox.com/glee/
Unfortunetly, i definetly agree that there is different groups of people and for the most part, people from the same group only hang out together. However, in real life i dont think it is as bad as it is on TV and in movies. In real life, like here at Newington, there is still groups, but people aren't afraid to talk to other groups like in movies such as mean girls. One example is like the preps and the punks. You can definetly tell by the way they dress which group they fall into but you cant tell who they talk to because people do communicate and associate with people of other groups, they just dont dress the same and dont sit together at lunch, etc.
I don't agree with this at all. People can change cliques all the time. I mean, when I was a freshman, I was a cheerleader, who wore Abercrombie, and now, not so much. I also don't think NHS is as bad about the cliques as some schools are. Yes we do have them, but for the most part we get along with/are friends with people outside out own.
I don't agree with this at all. People can change cliques all the time. I mean, when I was a freshman, I was a cheerleader, who wore Abercrombie, and now, not so much. I also don't think NHS is as bad about the cliques as some schools are. Yes we do have them, but for the most part we get along with/are friends with people outside out own.
I think that high school is somewhar segregated like this. There may be situations where people become friends when they are one sports teams or something together. But this does not mean that they hang out outside of the activity together. People seem mostly familiar with their group and stay with them for the most part.
I think that Newington High School is not segregated by the different groups of people. I can see how some schools would be, but I don't see that as an issue in our school. For example, I see people all the time talking to others who dress differently than they do.
I dont believe Newington High School is that separated. There definatly are groups and certain people who are friends with eachother, and not with others but i think its possible to go between groups. I know a lot of people who hang out with people who are in difforent groups. In our school a lot people talk to and have friends that aren't necessarily in their click.
I totally feel that this is true for newington high school. Although I dont want to admit that, when I really thought about it, it is true. Even though I feel that this is true, there are some kids that are a part of different groups. For example, a popular kid could be in the popular group but plays soccer and softball, so they also hang out with those people. In the opposite end, there are people that are friends with only certain people and refuse to talk to or assiciate with people of other groups. I'm not sure about other high schools, but I think that high schools have this to a certain extent.
I believe that our school is more diverse than that. Most of the jocks talk to more than just the jocks. I feel that if someone wants to be your friend why not be there friend if you are a real person. The one thing i don't like is fake people.
I do think high school is split up into several different grops. I think everyone is part of one group but there is a cross over from group to group. It is likely that if you play on the football team you are going to be hanging out with all of them because that is who you spend a good majority of your time with and you share similar interests. But i think that just because someone plays sports they are not limited to just being a jock, i believe our high school we are able to branch to be apart of several types of groups. I think its easy to put a label on a group of kids but we are able to branch out. I know that i played Field Hockey for 4 years here at newington high but i dont consider myself a jock and i also think i am friends with people from several different groups.
I feel that high school is a segregated society, not so much as in movies but there definitely is segregation. Being segregated and in different groups is part of high school nature and it will always be part of high school nature because kids want to be in groups they can fit in and everyone cant be in the same group and like the same things.
I do belive that this is true for our school. I belive that that is how high school works those people that do activitys of the same tipe tend to become friends. My friends are those people that play hacky sack its the group that i fit into.
Ive seen other people in other groups an the only people that come near to being cross overs are the outsiders.
i think this is very true about Newington high school. I think that since i came here in 8th grade all the people who were frinds then and still are friends now. Also they seem like they refuse to let anyone else in to their circle. So anyone who tries to come in, immediatley gets shut down. But i think that is completely true.
NO WAY, not for me anyways. Im friends with anyone who is nice, funny, whatever. i dont care if they dress one way or another. as long as they are not mean and basically negative to anything. put it this way, if i can get along with the person, im going to include them no matter what. But i kind of agree that there are some people who can act like there all that and just because somebody is not popular or whatever. i think that's ridiculous. But then again, i don't think those stuck up people who think they are all that are even popular. doesn't popular mean you have a lot of friends? well if it is, i am friends with a whole bunch of people from group to group, if you think about it, the stuck up people who are only friends with the popular people are not popular in my book.
I think that this isnt quite accurate of our high school... It seems to me that actually there is a lot of cross over from "group to group" within our high school. The segregation would maybe be that they do not really hang out outside of school very much besides within their own groups but otherwise theyre kinda just friends with everyone... I also disagree with the no changing your group comment seeing as ive gone from 1 to another over a couple of years...
The fact of the matter is the High school in America, is a very segregated society and kids are naturally grouped into stereotypes depending on how they look and the activities which they participate in. Shows like Glee and other movies like high school musical are an exaggeration. Some high schools are more segregated than others, but no high school is really as clean cut with set jocks and nerds and musical kids.
Oh, and as for our very own Newington High School, I do not think it is at all segregated like Glee. There are general groups and kids tend to stick together with kids who do the same activity. But Newington High is not at all on the level as the high school in Glee. For one Newington High is way too liberal and there are too many rules for things to become that way. All of the anti-bullying rules in the school provide a safe and excepting environment for students to participate in multiple activities.
Btw to add again, I just thought of an example. This year several kids on the football team were also big into their musical lives as well. This year we just got a new coach and he has been very understanding and lenient with stuff like that. Three starters on the team were also in the NHS chamber choir so during the game they hoped over the fence into the stands and sang with the choir in their football uniforms and then when the game began hoped back over the fence and played in the game. That is something that would never happen in the Glee world or in many other schools for that matter.
i think that is somewhat true and somewhat not. there are clearly many different groups that you stay in, and are not usually friends with people from other groups.i think that as you get closer to your senior yearb or in your senior is where that stops, and everyone starts to be friends and forget about "groups"
i personaly think that this comment is half right. at first i thought that it wasnt true at all but once i took another look at it againit got me thinking.its all who we talk to more jocks talk to jocks ect. however we still all hang out once in a while and we all talk to each otheras if there is no barriar.personaly i think that is just nature of the high school to seperate into these groups. i think that because you make your friends with what you do when you get to high school. for example if you play sports you hang out with the jocks more, if you join the choir you will hang out with the music kids more ect...
I dont agree with that at all because, I myself have seen the 'jocks" and the Music kids all hanging out and some of the jocks them selvs are involved in music etc. So no, i would have to disagree with that. I mean people that you are around the most is who you become freinds with the most, Hence baseball players are closer with each other because they are always together, or music kids. etc
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