Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Birthdays

As I am waiting for the arrival of my cousin's baby (the baby is due any day now) I wonder what it must be like to have a birthday so close to a holiday. Do you think people who have holiday birthday's don't get as much fan fare (gifts, etc) as people with birthdays at other times of the year? Sorry I couldn't resist putting up a photo of my son!


j.riordan25 said...

Aw that's awesome! Congrats to your cousin! (: I think that people who have holiday birthday's don't get as much gifts, etc...because, if they have a holiday birthday then then parents will probably give the child a little amount of gifts on christmas and there birthday to add up to a lot.

Kimberly said...

Well, my sister's birthday is January 2cd. Believe me, she gets all the presents that she would for Christmas and she gets the presents for her birthday. i think for her birthday and Christmas on her i might have used two checks from work. she definitely gets the same amount of presents that, lets just say i would on my birthday. :)

TaYloR said...

I don't even know of anyone with a birthday that is real close to a holiday. But I think that I deffinitly prefer to have my birthday on some random day. This way it's all your day and it's not say Christmas too. So I feel you can focus more on your birthday when it isn't on a holiday.

Ellen said...

I dont think I would like to have my birthday so close to the holidays because it sort of becomes grouped in with the excitement of the holiday and you dont really get the chance to enjoy the spotlight :)

amanda said...

i deffinatly would rather have my birthday no where near a holiday! a birthday is meant to be your-own, and special. if my birthday was on a holiday like christmas it'd just be a rip off!

kshoe09 said...

My birthday is somewhat close to the holiday because it is January 9. It's not that I don't get the same amount of presents as someone who has a random birthday but it is that I don't know what to ask for because I just got what I wanted at Christmas. I would prefer to have a birthday in a few months because then it is something to look forward to during the year rather than getting everything at once.

kshoe09 said...

My birthday is somewhat close to the holiday because it is January 9. It's not that I don't get the same amount of presents as someone who has a random birthday but it is that I don't know what to ask for because I just got what I wanted at Christmas. I would prefer to have a birthday in a few months because then it is something to look forward to during the year rather than getting everything at once.

melinda said...

having a birthday close to a holiday like christmas is really unfair..i know i'd be mad.. a birthday is supposed to be special if it was near chiristmas it wouldnt be nearly as special and deffinitly not as much presents.. im happy my birthdays in the summer..I LOVE IT!

Alessandra said...

I think that peolpe who have birthdays by holidays where you recieve gifts get the same amount of gifts as anyone who doesnt have a birthday by a holiday. Either way you should spend what you should, say to another child you have in order to avoid favoritism.

jennie1 said...

I think that it really depends on the parents and the rest of the family. ive spoken to some people who have a child or granchild with a birthday close to a holiday and they say that they feel bad so they try to make both just as big.

annaskubisz said...

My brother's birthday is December 10th, and i can say that I'd rather not have that birthday. I know it's not about the gifts and blah blah blah, but let's face it, we all get excited for presents ;). Especially when we were little kids.! I remember my parents trying to buy my brother a "birthday/Christmas" present..and I always thought that was a weird idea..mainly unfair. So to answer to this post, I definitely wouldn't want a birthday near the Holidays.

Nick Lenares said...

i think so, when you have a birthday close to christmas, you dont get as much as you would if your birthday was in the summer. people will just get you a christmas/birthday gift. thankfully my birthday is in the summer.

Unknown said...

My birthday is December 6th its close to the holidays but far enough in advance that I don't really feel as though I get jipped. The problem for me was always that once I got all my birthday money I felt obligated to spend it on people for Christmas and I got jipped in that sense. I felt guilty spending a lot of money on myself but not buying anyone anything for Christmas.

aakash said...

people that have birthdays close to holidays definitely get less gifts. my cousins birthday is on Dec. 31 and he his Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, and even his new years gift in one package. i like having my birthday on a random day.

marissa said...

my uncles birthday is on Christmas eve n he gets more presents. i have one on a holiday to but its nt a present giving holiday we just get school off it my birthday lands on it, memorial day.

Unknown said...

people who have birthday close to hioliday or on the holiday do not get more gifts because people have already planned for something else for holiday, so they can't attend birthday party and we dont get more gifts. i am luck that my birthday do not come on holiday or close to holiday.

Anonymous said...

For me i guess this would be a hard question because i know both sides of the deal. For me personally i don't have a birthday near a holiday where you would get presents even though my birthday is near thanksgiving but no one gets presents near that time. But i do have friends that have birthdays near and even on a holiday that both gets extra presents and no extra gifts. I guess it all depends on what the parents want to do.

sean murphy said...

i think that people who have birthdays further away from holidays have it better because during the holidays everyone is celebrating something and people are tight on money so not as many gifts, but people with birthdays in like July for example have no holiday near it and everyone celebrates that.

suz said...

My best friend's birthday is actually on Christmas. She says that its great because she gets bigger and better gifts. Personally prefer having my birthday not so close on the holidays. Like my birthdays in July and I like getting presents every six months rather than only once a year.

brittani517 said...

Good luck to your cousin with the new addition! It must be absolutely horrible to have a birthday near a holiday because you certainly don't get as many gifts! haha but i do think there's more recognition because for someone who has a birthday on say christmas, everyone always makes a big deal about it. Like omg your birthday is on christmas that's so cool! so i guess that wouldn't be so bad after all. Plus no one could forget a birthday on an already memorable date.

Anonymous said...

my birthday is january 9th and i still get a a good amount of stuff on my birthday and christmas. the only problem is that since i just had christmas, i never know what i want for my birthday because its only a week and a half to decide and i just got done getting gifts. i would rather my birthday be in like april or may because its more attention when your birthday isnt around any holidays.

Unknown said...

congrats to your cousin! ..well i dont thinkthat people with their birthday so close to a holiday not get as much because i knowmany ppl that are born on a holiday or very close and they always seem to get whatever they, and instead of twice a year they get all thier gifts in one shot!

brittany L said...

i think that holiday babys get there birthday compromised alot. instead of all the focus being on their birthday, some people may forget and just remember and celebrate the holiday...

Anonymous said...

My brother and sister both have a birthday in December, about 2 weeks apart. For my 5yr old brohters sake i think he doesn't get jipped on hid b-day presents because it is early in the year. But for my 2 year old sister, i think that the fact she still is a bay and her b-day is the 25th of december she does not get alot o presents just yet.
Sam. A

Paolo said...

holiday birthdays are alright but having a birthday in the middle of the year is much better because then u get to look forward to 2 different days instead of 1 if your birthday was on a holiday.

SuperLara17 said...

Yes definately. People who have birthdays around the holidays don't get as much gifts as people who have their birthdays no where near a big holiday. However they may get bigger and more expensive gifts instead of smaller gifts twice a year. But remember gifts don't matter, its supposed to be time with your family.

theBaraness said...

I wouldn't want to have my birthday near a holiday. As selfish as it sounds, I want all attention on me and not the holiday haha. A holiday wouldn't make the day entirely dedicated to me! And I wouldn't like to get less presents.

derek661 said...

I guess it all depends on the parents. My birthday is December 27th and I dont get great gifts for my Birthday. My parents always say "Merry Christmas, and this is for your birthday too".

Tim Lapierre said...

I think that it would suck to have a birthday near the holidays. people are all ready stressed becasue they spent a bunch of money so there is no way you will get as much as if it were any other time of the year

Andre M said...

I do think people who have birthdays near holidays don't get as many presents. This is because people won't buy, for example, presents for a person for their birthday and then more for Christmas because they are close to each other. Hence, the presents for the birthday can also count as the Christmas presents. It's OK I guess as long as you get a birthday cake!!

Matthew Piendak said...

first of all... cute kid... anyways... ya i think having a birthday close to a holiday isnt much fun. my dog was born on christmas eve, i know its just a dog, but still, we kinda just mesh cristmas and his birthday together. i think one year we gave one of the christmas presents to him on his b-day instead of christmas. its not like hes getting more presents or anything, so hes kinda being jipped. so ya being born on a holiday wouldnt be my cup of tea.

Melissa A said...

I feel that people who have their birthdays close to the holidays do not get the excitement of their birthday. When it comes to the holdidays, people are always so busy trying to get all their shopping done and cleaning their house that the last thing on their mind is a present for the "birthday boy(or girl)" Their birthday pretty much just gets clumped with the excitement of the other holidays.

Patrycja Sudyka said...

My birthday is on November 27th so it usually falls around Thanksgiving. This past year it was on the same day of Thanksgiving which was nice and I don't relly mind having my birthday near a holiday. I think that if it was near Christmas it would be different-maybe not getting as much gifts (2 in 1) but Thansgiving is not really a "gift" holiday so I don't mind at all! For Thanksgiving we usually see a lot of our family so it's great having my birthday during that time.

Mel Ruiz said...

Alot of people in my family have birthdays close to holidays and I do notice that they sometimes get cheated for gifts. This happens especially when the person has a birthday near Christmas. They get excuses like "oh I forgot your card at home" and when they see them later that month for the holiday, they just give them the one card.

Nicole Amenta said...

I think i would hate having a birthday on a holiday because you wouldn't get as many gifts. On your birthday people are suppoesed to think about you not about Christmas or Thanksgiving. That has to suck, people must forget its your birthday sometimes, i would be so pissed. Maybe not as much if you birthday was holloween, but holloween isnt that big of a holiday like Christmas, or Easter.

cassandra a said...

I think that people who have holiday birthdays definetly get jipped. I think they get less presents because they get divided for birthday and the holiday. They also miss out on parties sometimes. My sisters birthday is Dec. 18 and she never gets a family birthday party, because people just come over a few days later for christmas. I like having my birthday in april because its spread out so i get gifts and parties at all times of the year.

Mike Lehmann said...

I think that people who have birthdays near holidays would get the same amount of gifts as anyone else, but not more(unless you have rich parents) parents have to get more gifts for other people say on christmas so they cant get their child as much gifts as would a person who has a birthday not close to a holiday

Kevin Spain said...

I think that it would suck to have a birthday close to the holidays because while maybe they get a little bit more out of the holiday season... its kinda depressing id guess to be only celebrating a birthday during the holidays and then you dont do anything else special for a full year :)