As you all know from my first day photos, I love my dogs. Sadly last week I made the heart wrenching decision to put my little wiener dog down because he was terminally ill. In the last week I have really started to think about the bound that people have with their animals. What do you feel the reason people get so attached to animals is? Are you attached to a certain pet? If so why? What do we as humans get from our relationships with our pets?
im so sorry about your dog! i think that people get attached to their pets because theyre always there for them and they cant ever talk back to you or you can never get in a fight with them to make not be your friend. theyre very loyal. i was attached to my dog but we had to put her down in 2005 and it was very tough because she was always there for me.
Sorry to hear about your dog,.People get attached to their pets because as more time passes, they aren;t a pet anymore, they become a friend to you. They maybe cant talk but you know by there actions that they love you and they know you love them. It's the relationship you and your pet build that make you so attached to eachother.
aw that's so sad. i don't know what i would do without my cat. I'm sorry!
i think we get so attached to animals is because they are always there, its like they are family instead of just a pet. You grow to love them, and they love you as well, you just become so attached to them. They are always there for you.
aww sorry to hear about your dog. I believe that people become so emotionally attatched to their pets is that they are always there to comfort you whenever you need them. Also they are never in a bad mood so they just bring joy and create a solid partnership for any owner. I have a cat named cutie that i love to death. We had a close call with her where i thought she was going to die and i cried for hours so i know without a doubt i am attached to my cat and i think everyone has a special bond with their animal.
I think that people become so emotionally attached to their animals because they are always around and you don't have to worry about them talking back or have them be mad at you. Most of the time they want attention and the petowner gives it to them and a bond just forms. If you are in a bad mood you can just go play with your pet and they might make you happier. My cat will always hang out with me if I want him to and is just a friend when I need one.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! I think that people get so attached to animals is because they develop a relationship with them. The animals are always there to be your friend and you can talk to them they won't respond but it still helps sometimes. I was really attached to my dog Duncan, but we put him to sleep in 2004. After him i was never attached to an animal again. He was there for me as a friend when i needed him.
Echoing the comments below, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, Ms. Hunt. I had no idea! I'm very close to my dog as well, and can't even imagine what it will be like when that day comes. I agree with everything your students had to say: loyalty, attachment, comfort, and they really don't ask for much in return. What I love most about my dog (and most pets, or even animals, I suppose) is that she is able to live life completely "in the moment," never dwelling on the past or fearful of the future. Wouldn't it be nice if we could be that way sometimes?
i think that people become attached to thier pets because they make thier pet out to be more human than they actually are. everyone talks to thier pet and has a discussion with them that makes no sense to an outsider and can even be considered wierd by some people. pets become a part of a family and since thier always around you and you have to care for them all the time, you just cant help but feel close to them.
Poor doggy =( I think it was best that you put him down so he wasnt sad anymore though, i know you must miss puppy terribly. But anyways, i think the reason that people get attached to their pets is because no matter how much you might yell at them for chewing your shoes, peeing on the rug, barking to loud, they're always there for you when you need someone to cuddle with and love and give lots of kisses! they always seem to listen and know exactly how you're feeling. They become a part of the family, you share your pain and joy with them and they can always make you feel better. I was very attached to my first dog that I had basically since I was born, and we were actually about the same age. We had to put him down when i was 10
=( But we shared lots of good times together and its always good to think about those times. It really makes you feel better.
awh :(
People defintely get attached to their pets. Pets are always there for you and they usually will always love you no matter what. You develop a bond with them that is hard to break which is why you become so close and love them. I have no idea what I would do with out my dog. If I lost her I would be totally devasted.
i dont have a pet, but my uncle does and i know that his family is really close to his dog. I think the relationship is so strong because they are always with us and they cant get mad at anything we do. they are just like another member of the family.
im sorry about your dog. in my opinion, i think that people become attached to their pets is because they are someone they can play with, and they are "man's best friend." Pet's can't talk, therefore they can't lie, which people can, so you can depend on pets for that, and also, they are just really fun to play with and watch grow. They are like part of the family.
Mrs. Hunt! I had no idea about your dog...my sincerest sympathies. As you can see from my blog pic, my dog (Nikki) is very special to me. I think that animals are so special because they provide us with everything adult companionship provides us with -- but in some cases, they provide us with more. Animals are soley ours. Nikki is my dog. She doesn't go to work, call up her friends when she has a problem, or even fight back when I scold her -- I am her life. Animals are unselfish, and I think they satisfy a selfish need we all have as humans. Although that sounds terribly negative, animals do depend of us to feed them, protect them and love them...so I doubt they would complain even if they could! (Although I am eternally glad that Nikki cannot speak -- she can be a real brat sometimes.)
oh i'm so sorry:( i had to put down my dog about two years ago and it was horrible to let him go. i think animals are spicies that give us the feeling of comfort,devotion, and friendship. when we as humans have no one we want to talk to we look to our pets to confide in. even though they don't speak back you know they are always there for you. my dog, max, used to know when i was upse and even though he was a big german sheperd he still cuddled up to me until i was ok. society might see pets as things of lesser inteligence as us but that is a big misunderstanding. animals are smarter than we think they seem to be the ones we turn to when we are weak so w can't underestimate them too much.
Aw! Like everyone else I'm sorry to hear about your dog. When my parents said they wanted to buy a dog, I was happy but kind of didn't want one because I knew that someday they would pass away before me. (However I can tell you now that as I'm writing not one, but two dogs are sitting right next to me. They bring a lot of laughs to our family and we wouldn't trade them for the world. Even today after having a bad day I came home and both of them were greeting me by wagging their tails and jumping all over me. (That's how it is even if i go outside for 5 minutes) That's why I think so many people have animals. Because knowing that someone will be happy to see you is a good feeling, that many people like. :)
I'm sorry about your dog! I think people get attached to their pets because they aren't just animals, but a friend to you. They love you no matter who you are, disregarding your differences or imperfections that people notice out in the real world. As time passes you grow attached to them, knowing that you love them and they love you, just by their actions. I was attached to my kitty but we had to put her down recently, and I didn't think that it would be as hard to cope with a loss, but its almost the same as losing a person you loved in your life.
Wow i didn't even know that your dog had even passed on. I am really sorry to hear that he had. But it is good to know that he was rescued by a caring care taker that got a second chance. I believe that the reason why people get so attached to their pets is because they are always there for you. People could also get the feeling of this empty space when you go away and you miss having your pet somewhere near by. Although they do get annoying sometimes you never know how much you will miss them once they are gone. If I were to lose my dog later on I can't even be able to picture myself. Im that type of person that would cry for a friends dog on which i haven't lived with at any moment in time, so I don't think that when my dog dies I could be able to handle any situation for a couple of days.
I think the reason people are so close to their animals is because they are so loyal. They are always there to keep you company. They don't ever leave you in your time of need. It's hard not to become attatched to something that sleeps lives in your house with you and sleeps in your bed with you.
I think that people are this way with their animals because of the fact that an animal pretty much loves you no matter what. They're always happy to see you when you walk in the door too, unlike people they don't really have moods so they're just always happy. We had to do the same thing with my dog because he was so old and abused before we rescued him. My parents had taken such good care of him and because they felt so bad he was abused. It was really sad and my mom even had a tombstone made for him. I hope you feel better because i know how hard it can be.
i definetly think people have a certain bond with there animals, i now i do. I love my cat to death, before all my brothers and sisters were born, my playmate and best friend was my cat, ive had him since i was 6 now im 17. so basically i think of him as part my family, its very comforting when hes around. i feel sad just thinking about in about 7 or 8 years maybe less he wont be around for ever, so i wont.
Sam A.
I think that people get so attached to their pets, especially dogs because they interact so much with us and we make such deep connections with them which makes us attached. Also, the pets live with us, so we spend the majority of our time bonding and taking care of them. My dog just turned four yesterday and my entire family is attached to her. You can tell which person in the family my dog is most attached to. which is my dad becuase he's the person who takes care of her the most. I dont know what we get from having relationships with our pets, but we know they will never talk badly about us, or yell at us or anything so i think we like having that kind of relationship that we know will never turn into a negative thing.
I feel people get attached to their pets because some peoeple grow up with animals their whole life and they have a special bond with them. Since i was a baby we have always had some type of animal in my house whether it be cats, dogs, fish or hamsters. Also some adults who aren't abelt o have children of their own have pets who take the place of children. My aunt for instance has 4 cats and 2 dogs nd she considers all of them her children. Animals are humans too just in a different way.
I think that people get attached to animals so much because they are always there. When you get home, go to sleep, get up in the morning, etc. a pet is always there waiting for you and they become a part of you and a part of the entire family. As time passes the attachment becomes stronger and loosing a pet is like loosing someone close. I am definitely attached to my Yorkie that I got about half a year ago. He has become a part of me and I can't image coming home from school and not seeing him peeking through the window as he usually does. My mom never wanted to have a dog in the house but she eventually got one for me. Now I would say that she is attached even more to him than I am!
I think that people get really attached to their animals because we spend so much time taking care of them and making sure theyre happy, we dont realize that we attach our hearts to them. Since most animals are sweet and do whatever it takes to get your attention its tough losing them. Like when my cat died, i missed him so much because he had been in my life since i was a baby. Animals are always aroud you and are always trying to cuddle with you, that when theyre gone its like losing a family memeber, or even worse for some people. I was very attached to my cat casey because he was my kitten when i was young, my parents gave him to me as a gift, so it was the worst thing seeing him suffer, we just put him to sleep a month ago, and it still feels like something is missing. Us as humans get compassion and love from our pets, they allow us to love them.
i have a dog and i love it. i think that you get so used to paying so much attention to it. you get used to coming home to a wagging tail and seeing you pet there. they are so fun to play with and can really bring you up on a bad day
I think that people get so attatched to their pets because they like cherish you and depend on you. I have a dog, she is a year and a half now and i got her when she was 3 months old. She is my little, well big, shes a pitbull, baby. She grew up with me cuddling her, feeding her, talking to her, so now she expects it and loves it. She relies on me and loves me, and she could never leave me, well not purposely, which i think is why people get so attatched to them. I think that it is good for people to have pets that they can spoil and love and know that they will love them back, like kids, except cheaper and alot easier and more furry. My Dolce is my princess.(and she just had 7 puppies! so now i have 8 puppies that sleep with me and love me and that i love!)
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