Monday, October 27, 2008

Does Spirt Week build School Spirit?

What are your thoughts about spirit week. I love to see everyone all dressed up for spirit week and having a good time at the pep rally, yet I have wondered if it does really build school spirit. Is spirit week and the feelings that go with it only a temporary thing?


jennie1 said...

For me spirit week didn't really do anything for me. Even at my old school I would have fun at the pep rallys and dressing up and everything like that, but it didn't make me want to go to the sports games or wear my school colors. I think it's all a matter of what you believe in initially. And a lot of it has to do with whether or not you like sports or participate in them as well.

SuperLara17 said...

I think spirit week didnt really bring spirit to the school. I mean when we went to the pep rally all the grades were chanting and only making some people feel bad. I am on a school sports team but still dont think that the pep rally does anything for school spirit

Kimberly said...

i think it does bring school spirit to some people at the time, but once its over it just like "yeah back to school" and then we all go back to what we thought before, if we like school or not.

so i think it does build school spirit for that week and then it just fades again. :)

TaYloR said...

I think that overall Spirit Week is a temporary thing in building school spirit. Obviously everyone is fired up for the Pep Rally but truthfully once thats over the spirit ends with it. It is kind of sad to say but Spirit Week only builds spirit for a week then its back to the normal school days everyone is used to.

sbialy said...

i believe that spirit week is only a temporary thing for most people. some people feel 'connected' with thier school or participate in so many school activities that thier are always showing some sort of school spirit, but in general it is only a temporary thing/activity.

brittani517 said...

I don't think spirit week really brought us school spirit. With school spirit, we're supposed to be proud of our school, what we stand for and all of the people in it. But in reality, all it was was a compition between all of the grade levels. We shouldn't be cheering "go home freshman" at the pep rally, it should be a time where we're all a united school that actually gets along and doesnt discriminate against the younger grades.

suz said...

I thought that spirit week did bring school spirit to our school. Everyone was all excited that week and really into it. Although we do have some school spirit at some football games, school spirit after spirit week does kind of die down. People seem to just not care anymore because all the competitions and what not is over.

aakash said...

i really had fun during spirit week. i think it really does raise everyone's spirits, but i also agree that it is a temporary thing. We are all excited and close together for that week and after that it's like a normal day in school. I thought it was cool how we can come to school to represent it and our grade.

Alessandra said...

i think spirit week only brought school spirit for that week. it might have just been to a select amount of people. but its definitely something fun to do. after spirit week was over, there wasnt much talk about school spirit. i think its more of just something fun to do as a school.. which can be school spirit in some way.

TSopel said...

I personally see spirit week as more of a competition of classes, its always been like that for any year, which it is, but although it is focusing on building our school spirit as a whole, it turns to who has more spirit. I actually enjoy it this way better.

Phil Hatje! said...

I think it builds school spirit because you see classes comming together and doing all the crazy stuff and comming together as one. You might not see that much school spirit the rest of the year but for that one week its a great site.

j.riordan25 said...

For me, I think that school spirit week only builds spirit for that one week. After the week's over, then everyone goes back to normal and forgets all about it. I think that it's only a temporary thing. But, during that week everyone builds a lot of school spirit, i think.

Anonymous said...

I think that by having spirit week its a way to bring our school together exspecially the classes because of the competions between grades. Everyone is competitive to win, its great.I personally think i have a lot of school spirit with being a cheerleader and all but by seeing everyone all week and at the pep rally made me see how many people actually have school spirit.

Lauren09 said...

I think that spirt week is a great way to bring out our school sprit it gives every one an opportunity to represent for newington high. Its also a great way to bring the classes together because of the competition between the grades. Everyone gets so competitive,its great. By seeing everyone during the week and at the pep rally deff. showed that alot of people in our school have school spirit

amanda said...

to me spirit week is temporary..knowing this i cant even get into the "school spirit" feeling..sure i participate but pep rallies and all that really aren't my thing

melinda said...

i really dont have school spirit at all...i see shcool as somewhere just for my education...nothing social or spirited. spirit weeks just another regular week for me...

Anonymous said...

i think spirit week absolutly builds school spirit.many students will say that they think it's stupid or they hate the school but when wehave that week everyone feels a little spirit wether they usually feel it or not.we may all feel distent during the year because we're all on our own schedule but when spirit week comes arond we all become one and really understand what "good times" our parents and teachers tell us about.

marissa said...

I don't think that it builds school spirit at all. I never really got to into it and it seems like only the seniors do. This year more of the school may have a little more then then past years, but it only last a week.

Unknown said...

i think spirit week did bring spirit. however, it just temporary. it does not last long. for me, spirit week did bring spirit for the school, but it was just for that week only. it also depends on person's thinking that how they think about school

sean murphy said...

i think that spirit week doesn't really build school spirit but it gives the students a chance to unite as a class and try to beat the other classes. i feel that school spirit is more in the actual events such as football games or in other sports that have victories that build pride for our school.

Anonymous said...

i think spirt week was fun, but there are still some poeple who didnt participate in it. i think it works better if everyone in the school participates. i think it was fun because it was a break from the normal routine of school. i also think that 5am pep rally was so much fun because its something that we've never been able to do before. i mean seriously, how many high school students can say "yesh, i went to a 5am pep rally and loved it!"?

brittany L said...

i feel spirit week deffinetly builds school spirit becuase during the week with the different themes and challenges the competition comesout in everyone. the battle between grades really begins.

Amanda C. said...

I think that spirit week does build spirit in the school just not really that much more than is already there. If you go to football or basketball games you see all the same people cheering on the teams that dressed up for spirit week. Sometimes school spirit is not for everyone and I think it's all about how you view high school. If you hate going to high school everyday then why are you going to go get dressed up and celebrate being there.

brittany L said...

for one thing i was so into school spirt week. i dressed up every day according to the theme set and i had a blast. i think it deffinetly does build school spirit becuase the competition between grades really shows and the loyalty to ones graduation year really shines through.

erinzenzie said...

I love spirit week and would love to have one again towards the end of the year. I think that it deffinitely is a temporary thing because that week built up so much towards the end where everyone was so siked about the pep rally and everyone went in support of their grade. This totally showed this past friday when we had our second pep rally and no one showed up or dressed in blue and gold. So yes i deffinitely think those feelings because of spirit week is a temporary thing.

derek661 said...

I think that spirit week does build school spirit but only for certain people. A lot of people like to participate in school spirit activities and cheer for there school and class, but there are other people that just dont care and dont even go to pep rallies.

Courtney Maratta said...

i believe that spirit week is a good idea. I think that it does help to boost up school moral. The people that dont usually like to participate in class events, like to participate in spirit week. Its also a good time to unite as a school, and to also have good clean fun.

Katie Wacht said...

Spirit week is a fun way to dress up in school colors and have fun with your friends, but i feel that it doesnt really build up school spirit that much. There are only a select few of people who get dressed up and pumped up for the pep rallys and not even alot of people go to the pep rally's. I feel that if more kids on our school were motivated to do the pep rallys than spirit week would deffinately boost the school spirit.

Andre M said...

I think that Spirit Week builds school spirit because it makes people want to feel like our school is better than other schools. The same goes for grades. Everyone wants to feel that their grade is better than the other. Of course, not everybody participates. Also, Spirit Week only build school spirit for that week and then it goes away kind of.

Mel Ruiz said...

I think that spirit week is a good thing. Not all students are involved in sports or clubs so they do not have an opportunity to show their school pride. The activities during spirit week help all students get involved even if it is just for that one day. However, I dont think it helps boost attendance at sporting events or make students like their school more. It just gives everyone something interesting to focus their attention on for the week. After the week is over the school spirit goes away and everything goes back to how it was before.

jolene m said...

i dont think spirit week really briings school spirit. all it is, is a week where you can dress a little different and not got madce fun of. after the week is over everyone is back to the way they feel about the school. i think the school should ask the student what they can do better to have students be a little more in to school

tim lapierre said...

spirit week was not a big deal to me. i really dont care about most of our sports. if you only do a week a year who is going to care about it. if your not interested the whole week is just a joke

Mikayla Belle said...

Spirit week doesn't have any effect on school spirit. Dressing up and going to pep rallies is fun, but it doesn't change who's actually going to show up at the games. It changes people's feelings toward school for a week, and then everything goes back to normal and we forget about it.

Nicole Amenta said...

i love spirit week, i think its really fun to dress up in funky outfits and wear specific things. Im not quite sure if it builds more school spirit i just think its fun to do. At a peprally it gives school spirit for a few hours but it just temporary, kids just do it cus its something fun to do other than class....

Patrycja Sudyka said...

I agree with some of the previous posts made about school spirit. I think that during the spirit week it's great to have everyone dress up, wearing school colors, etc. This brings out the school spirit in alot of students but mostly for only that week. But I think that it depends on the kind of person you are. If you participate in a sport for example that school spirit would probably not be just for a week but for most of your time spent in high school.

Brittany said...

i really do believe spirit week builds school spirit and it helps take away some of the stress of school. but for some that don't really care about anything its not going to make a difference but i feel that sometimes people need to lighten up a little bit..!!!

Mike Lehmann said...

Spirit week doesn't do anything for me, sure sometimes the events are fun but the past 4 years they just got worse and worse. Practically no one i knew dressed up from the past, the only thing i did was wear your class color and face paint for the pep rally which i didn't even go to because i decided to leave early. Maybe people would be more spirited if there was more then one spirit week.

Anonymous said...

I think that the school spirit only lasts that day and after that no one thinks about it. i think that everyone gets all hyped up for only that week. I mean i went to both pep rallies and i had a really good time but after that i didnt think about it.