As we start our venture into the blogging world together. I thought I would start out our blog with a super easy topic. What has been your favorite thing thus far about our course? It can be anything from an activity to as aspect of the class.
Personally, my favorite thing about the class is that I get to talk to you more as people then as students. I think that dialog creates a different relationship that allows me to get to know you in a different light and that is something that I enjoy.
Please be honest, learning directly from you what you like and dislike can help me to structure the class around your classes individual needs.
Hi it's me Lara. I came to take a look at the website and try to figure it out alittle. So in answering this question, I really enjoy this class so far, Im really excited to learn more about the brain and everything it does. Im just so fascinated so far. I also like the way the class runs. Its nice how the whole class participates its almost like a big conversation between the whole class. So thats how I feel so far about the class. ((LARA)) p.s. i hope I did this right.
Thus far into the school year, I have immensely enjoyed the study on the human brain, it has always been a very interesting topic for me. I also agree with you about how treating us as people works better than just treating us as your subordinates, its a more open learning experience and therefore we enjoy learning more.
I think that my favorite thing about pyshchology would be the study of dreams. Although we haven't learned about it yet i read an article when i took the ap exam and it really intrigued me. As far as what we've already learned the brain amazes me with all the it does compared to its size, but there is a lot to know and a lot to learn. Its kind of overwhelming :)
My favorite thing about psychology class so far would have to be when we write in our journals. this gives us a break from the normal type of classwork and its very relaxing. I expected not to be interested in writing in my journal, but i proved myself wrong by completely enjoying it.
my favorite thing about psychology is just learning why people act the way they do, and about all the disorders people have. i want to go to college and get a degree in criminal justice so i hope that someday this class might help me out
My favorite thing so far in psychology is the brain! I think its really cool how much the brain can actually do. I also really like writing in our journals. I think its very relaxing and it gets the reader to know more about you.
my favoret thing about psychology thusfar has to be the brain. the brain is so interesting because it is the thing that controls everything that we do. itis remarkable that the bran can do.
My favorite thing about pyshchology so far is all the interesting things we have so far and now that we are learning about the brain its getting even better. So i would have to go with the brain is my favorite thing so far beacuse theres so much to learn and it controls so much of our body. I also like how we do test except the one we did today where it took me more than 5 mins to say alphabet backwards. :(
I think that so far this year I've enjoyed writing in our journals. It's something that i didn't think that i would like but i really enjoy doing that especially on Friday's to get everything I'm feeling out for a better weekend. I also cannot wait to learn about dreams!
my favorite thing by far would have to be the brain. Its creepy to know that we dont know everything about it and that there is still a mystery to how it works. I am especially looking toward talking about dreams that should be fun
my favorite thing we did so far in psych would have to be learning about the brain. there were so many new facts i learned about how amazing the brain is. i hope to learn about dreams and why we have them as the year progresses.
So far in phsychology i have really enjoyed the journal writing. Its Friday and its a break from all my other classes for about 15 minutes to write about whatever i am feeling. It's almost like a diary which lets you express how your week went or future things that may be concerning you.
Psychology is such an interesting and deep subject to cover. Picking one subject to like is really hard. So far my favorite part of class has been the brain. I mean the right side controls the left and the left side controls the right. Your optical lobe is in the back of your head and your eyes are in the front. Its such a complex system i don't ever think we will be able to know its full purpose.
My favorite thing that we have done so far in our class is writing in our journals. In most of my other classes, my teachers schedule quizzes/tests on Fridays, but I really like how we write in our journals instead. It is so relaxing being able to write about whatever you want for once and not having to think about what grade you're going to get. I also like how your willing to learn new things about us on a personal level.
So far in the school year what i like most about psychology is that we can ask a question about anything, even if its not related to the topic and you go out of your way to answer it.
I also love writing in our journals its nice to take time out of the week to just relax and write down what we are thinking and what we are feeling.
I agree with what a lot of people have been saying, about like just being able to learn why people do the things they do. i think its really awesome:)
So far in psychology class this year I like writing in our journals the best. Unlike any other class, we get 15 minutes every friday to write about whatever we want. This is also an advantage in the long run because it lets you get to know us better. It helps me get all the stress out of my system that I had throughout the week, and prepares me for a relaxing weekend without any worries. At first I thought that writing in the journals would be really boring and a waste of time, but I found that I really enjoy it.
In my opinion, my favorite thing about psychology was the study of the brain. It is such a complex topic, and you can never really fully understand it. I learned so much about it, and it seems really interesting. Also, I like how we sometimes get sidetracked with really funny questions, but they all correspond to psychology, so I like it. All in all, this class is one of my favorites, and I am really glad I picked it.
My favorite part about psychology is learning why we do things the way we do them. It's really interesting to see how you could switch things up. Like for example, perception. Take away someones sight or make it look unappealing and they'll not eat their favorite food. Brains are so intricate but apparently easy to fool, too. I basically like learning the answers to all the "why?"s.
I don't even know where to start with this question!!!! Everything about this class drives my brain off the walls because I have so many questions and i am dying for answers and i feel like this is the class to get those answers. I never really thought psychology delt with all of the topics that we cover, but now that i know it's insane because the class is like a learning open forum where we find out everything about life. In my opinon i think the real hard core definition is LIFE because everything that you learn in life is based off of psychology. Not math and science and all the other stuff your teachers fill your head with to make you think that you need those to make it in life. I feel like you need pschology or atleast psychologist because if you really think about it, no one would be able to figure out how people understand math or science without studying the brain...aka PSYCHOLOGY!!!!
Good for people to know.
Unfortunately coming to an end, I have to say I've really enjoyed this class. First off, I didn't know it would cover sooo so many topics! We got to learn about the brain and how it works, and I loved the random trick games we played like trying to say the alphabet backwards while balancing a ruler (crazy,haha!) I think it's an interesting class to take and i would recommend it to anyone!
My favorite thing about Psychology would have to be just how it's an interesting subject. Most subjects are sort of boring and don't really stick with me, but with Psych, it's really interesting so I remember what I learn. There are so many aspects of the class that I can apply to everyday life which seperates it from the stuff I'm learning in math which I would never really use in real life.
Throughout all of my high school career, this is the most interesting class I have ever been in. (probably because i want to be a psych major in college). so far i really like how you structure class and how we get to work on alot of stuff in class like projects or are able to start on homework. I also like how we know that friday's we know whats going on, the presentations and our journals. I really enjoy journals because so far it has given me something interesting to write about every week and Im able to express myself. These are the things so far that i really love and find interesting about this class.
My favorite thing about psych is our section on dreams and sleep, which we just did. I loved it ! I thought it was very intersting all the things we learned about how your dreams work and what goes on in them. But other than that i think that the class is really good and im really excited to learn more.
My favorite thing about psychology is mental illnesses. It is fascinating to me that the mind might have a problem with it. Reading about people with psychological problems is just so interesting. We know so little about the brain and seeing people act strange due to illnesses is just such an interesting thing to read about. I can't grasp the fact that someone's mind might be "off". Maybe one day someone around me will lose their marbles and I'll know what's going on. Maybe I'll lose my marbles too, but I won't probably realize it.
For me just the whole idea of taking a psychology class is interesting! It's fascinating to learn all the different things about humans,ranging from dreams and all the way to mental illnesses. I really enjoy how the class runs-very smoothly and I am able to learn alot of things that I never knew before! I enjoy writing in journals, watching celebrity rehab and everything is just planned out to fit everything that we're studying at a particular time. So I am glad I took psychology and will definintely recommend it to others :)
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