For many of you this upcoming presidential election will be the first time you have voted. Hopefully, you have all registered, since the deadline for registration is getting close. As you get ready to cast that first ballot, what is the major topic/issue that will sway your vote. Please don't feel that you have to indicate you are voting for, but I am curious as to what is the most important issue to the young voting population.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Voting for the 1st Time
For many of you this upcoming presidential election will be the first time you have voted. Hopefully, you have all registered, since the deadline for registration is getting close. As you get ready to cast that first ballot, what is the major topic/issue that will sway your vote. Please don't feel that you have to indicate you are voting for, but I am curious as to what is the most important issue to the young voting population.
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i cant vote yet but to me the top three issues are the economy, Iraq, and foreign issues as in Iran, and Russia (something big will happen in one of those countries). Obama i feel is able to handle the economy better than McCain himself would but McCain definitely holds the upper hand on Iraq and Foreign policies. But McCain can always surround himself with economic geniuses. Those wall street guys gotta go though!
I wont be voting age either but to me I think its mostly about change. I want to see something change for the better. I'm easily influenced and swayed so in deciding where I stand on controversial or important issues I usually like to say I'm neutral. I want to see something done about the environment though for sure which hasn't really come up at all in the debates that I've heard of. Presidents keep putting off issues like global warming and trash and pretty soon, maybe in our lifetimes we'll be faced with the damages.
I wont be able to vote this yea but i feel that whoever the president is, that they should focus on changing. we have been in a war for longer than we should be and i would love to see us out of it. i also would love to see what they will do about global warming and how they are going to make this earth more "green."
i can not vote but my main issue would be wallstreet. i would like to know how the gov. is going to solve our economic state at this point in time. i also dont understand why we would pay wallstreet all of this money when the ceo's of the companies knew years ago that wallstree was going to whichever candidate has a strong solutuion to the economic issue i would vote for. but as of right now i am leaning twards obama
i cant vote this year, but in the next election ill be sure to do that. in this election i would want the president who would be there for the people, and who will be able to make some changes, i think that the war has been going on way too long, so hopefully we can get out of that. i want to see the economy to get better and hopefully some "going green" we need to think of the environment too!:)
I won't be 18 either like a lot of people, but I think it's really important to vote for someone who's going to make the next 4 years better for our generation. this is the time when we're going to do a lot of growing and maturing. We're going off to college, paying bills and being independent so we need someone who is going to make the economy much better. Someone who's going to get everyone out of Iraq and back home where they belong. This world isn't great to be in these days, but we need a president who's going to try to make some positive changes for once.
I'm really upset that I am unable to vote in this next election. It is a HUGE election. Too me many issues are important. I would really like a president who is not afraid to make some major changes for the better of our country. I'm concerned with war of course, the economy, taxes and such, education, health care, and most importantly environment. People probably don't realize it but the environment should be one of the biggest issues. If we don't do something about it now we are going to major consequences in the future. If we don't focus on using techniques such as nuclear fission and trying to get our country to slowly try not to use gas and use altneratives such as water, we will have major problems. People don't realize that our Earth only has so much oil and it won't last forever..
personally i cannot vote yet but if i could i would be voting for Obama. I just think that he has more of the middle class in mind and he is not so war drivin which is a big deal for my age group right now. We do not want to elect someone who will be putting us in a war sometime in the future if we can avoid it by electing the right person. Also, I do not think that McCain has the women's interest in mind by the way he is elimnating outlets for women such as birth control and mamograms being covered by insurance and that is a big deal for me being that i am a woman.
im not old enough to vote, but if i was the main issues i would look at are the economy and different energy sources. the economy is really starting to everyone in the U.S and even other countries and i would consider how Obama or McCain are going to fix it. also, many may not realize but energy is a big issue. we cannot continue to burn fossil fuels or remain dependent on other for oil. we need to come up with a better way ASAP.
My major topic that will sway me, is the fact that John McCain was very open with the fact that he wanted less writes for women, like abortion for example. I think its up to the women to decide. I also believe that having another bush wouldnt be good for us, we've had him in office for 8 years, was it good for us? i dont think so.
I just recently turned 18 in March so i just missed the vote by a few months. I was upset that i was not able to be a part of this very important vote this year for president, but i know that in the upcoming elections i will have many other opportunities to voice my opinion on the subject.
I think there are a lot of important things to look at when you vote. My most important issues are global warming and the war in Iraq. I want both things to be focused on. It's too bad I can't vote because I'm not old enough to yet.
For the past election I was unfortunaletly not able to vote because my birthday is on November 27th so I missed it by a few weeks. But if I was capable of voting, I would vote for the president who would do everything to get us out of war. To me, I just hate the idea of war and wish that countries could solve their problems a different way...but as we know that will never happen. This and education are two major issues that I would be looking at when choosing for which president to vote. Of course I think that our nation needs a young president who looks at things in a more modern way and is aware of what people in our nation need.
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