Thursday, September 18, 2008


recently in practical literature we were talking about cloning and the effects that it would have on society, religious aspects, ethical issues anything like that. How does anyone feel about the issue of cloning?


Mrs. Hunt said...

I think cloning is an amazing discovery but it has its place in science. I would hate to see people pre-ordering their children or using cloning in a non beneficial way. I think that cloning can be one of the greatest innovations in our lifetimes. It could be the cure to all of our diseases, it could allow people to walk again who have had serious injuries, or maybe even regrow damaged parts of the brain. I also strongly believe that in the wrong hands, cloning could create a whole world of problems. Or maybe I just spend too much time watching shows like fringe ;-)

Ben Silvia said...

Cloning is a slippery slope to go down. To much into it and we could be pre-ordering our children and who wants that. Part of me hopes we find a cure for diabetes with out cloning but if there is no other way for it, then who knows were our future will bring us

Anonymous said...

I think that cloning is unnecessary. Not to be cruel but we really have enough issues with the population as it is. We keep trying to preserve lives but we keep making new ones and not having any restrictions on how many lives are brought into this world. With countless coming in and possibly very few going out (with cloning) it would solve some of our issues but create new ones. I think we should let nature take its course. Maybe I'm looking at it from too factual a perspective.

kshoe09 said...

I think that cloning is a neat subject and it is cool that we can recreate things but I don't think that it should become a big topic of discussion. Often there are defects that come along with cloning and it might not be healthy for the things that are cloned.

TaYloR said...

I actually wrote a research paper which was of a similar topic last year that dealt with the issue of genetic engineering which is very similar in nature. I believe that cloning in some aspects can be very beneficial, such as cloning hair for those balding and other medical issues. But to clone people and animals just because we want to is not so much a good thing and could deffinitly upset the balance of things as they are now in our society.

suz said...

I think that cloning is alright just for scientific use. For any uses besides that cloning is unneeded. It would though be really nice for the benefit of science to find cures for diseases and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I think that cloning has both its ups and downs. I think that it is amazing because people could be cloned if they are ill and be able to live longer and stay with their family as a healthy person. but on the other hand, people could be commiting crimes and blaming it on their clone and then we would have innocent people in jail. In addtion, both a man and woman's place in this world wold be replace because people would no longer have to work at procreation because we could simply clone someone or mix some DNA to get a different person all together. Personally i just think we need to stay away from cloning for the next twenty years or so until we can really be sure if we are ready for the repercussions.

Paolo said...

i think cloning is one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. there are endless benefits that can be used with cloning, however religious views should be kept separate than science.

Chris Cab said...

Cloning is a double edged sword. You can get benfits like making healthy organs that don't reject the reciever. It also has a negative like designer babies then we'll have a future like in the film "Gattaca" In the end, I like cloning since then we can bring back some extinct animals, get good organs, and perhaps find treatment or cures for rare diseases (not sure about human rights on studying rare diseases on clones). Even though there might be evil clones or have SW: Attack of the Clones

theBaraness said...

I think the scientific community should go forward with cloning. The religious community needs to realize that we, as a society, are moving faster and faster in the world via technology. Cloning is a very positive thing that can benefit our future. We can learn so much information based on cloning. Scientific research is used to benefit society, not affect it negatively.

tim lapierre said...

i think that cloning has its place in science. it may prove t obe a life saver. but i think that it also has a huge downside. i hope that it is never availible to the public.

Andre M said...

I think cloning is really cool. However, I don't like the fact experiments are being done on animals. But I will say that I can see the benefits it can have, and that I think it is an amazing scientific advancement.

Anonymous said...

I think that cloning is something really different and really out ther and thats why people dont want to except. I personally think its really cool and i like things like that in science. I also think that if people would actually get to know what is it maybe they wouldnt hate it so much.