Thursday, May 21, 2009


Last night I watched the premiere episode of Glee. It was hysterically funny. Yet a topic came up that was very interesting to me. The gym teacher/cheer coach said that in high school each student has their role. The jocks, the geeks, the music kids, the outsider kids----and regardless of what group you are in, that is the group you are in and that is where you stay. She suggested that high school is such a segregated society that there is no cross over from group to group.

Do you feel that this is true for Newington High?? Do you think that is just the nature of high school? Do you have examples??

Check out the show at

Monday, May 11, 2009

Having just gotten back from seeing you all on Friday dressed up and looking fantastic, I am pondering this question: Was it worth the drama???
For the past few weeks all I have been hearing about is hair, dresses, limos/buses, seating arrangements, and after parties and the drama this all causes. I am also sure the prom itself and the after parties had their own share of drama.
Is it worth the money and the drama for this important high school experience?
I ask because I think weddings are the same. As wonderful as my wedding was looking back I should have chosen to take my immediately family and closest friends to Hawaii: Less stress, a lot less money, less drama, same husband in the end.
What are your thoughts?? Now that prom is over, was it worth the drama?